Sponsor Information

Are you interested in partnering with PAACH as a sponsor?  We have several levels of sponsorship available, as described below.  We also have advertising opportunities for you to get your business in front of our homeschooling families.

 Sponsor Options Maple Birch Willow
Bag insert     X
1/2 page booklet ad X   X
Social Media shout-out     X
Facebook ad and email blast to our members   X  
Logo on PAACH.org as sponsor     X
Logo on 4 digital monitors at convention X   X
 Total Sponsor Package Price  $300  $400  $600

Advertising Opportunities:

Vendors and businesses wishing to advertise with PAACH can also choose from these advertising opportunities:

$250 Full page vertical (8"x10.5") b/w ad in convention booklet and email blast to our members.

$150 1/2-page horizontal (8"x5") b/w ad in booklet and email blast to our members.

$100 1/4-page vertical (4"x5") b/w ad in booklet and email blast to our members.

$75 email blast ad

Bag Inserts (for 300 bags given to Convention Attendees)

Sponsors or advertisers may purchase the option to include their content (catalogs, pens, flyers, etc) in a bag given to each conference attendee.

$120 - 3 oz.+ (ie, a catalog)

$100 - 1.1 oz to 3 oz

$75 - 1 oz or less (ie, a single sheet, post card, small card stock)

$75 - Promotional items (pens, notepads, bookmarks, keychains, etc)

Instructions and Dates

Step 1 - Agreement Form:

Please fill out this PAACH Sponsor Agreement Form to inform PAACH of your contact information no matter which sponsor or advertising options you choose.

Step 2 - Payment:

1.  Checks, Money Orders can be made out to PAACH and mailed C/O Stephanie Irwin, PO Box 5203, Peoria, Il 61601.

2.  Online Sponsor Store - Add to the cart the Sponsorship Items you would like to purchase, and then complete your purchase through the online checkout.  You will receive an emailed receipt of your purchase.

All payments must be received before March 14, 2025.

Step 3 - Submit Ads, Logos, and/or Bag Inserts:

Please email ad and/or logo to paach.sponsors@gmail.com by March 14, 2025. This grants PAACH permission to reproduce your organization's logo for this event.

Logos for the monitor screens are to be hi-res jpg or eps format.

Advertisement specifications are as follows:

  • Email blast and Facebook ads need to be 1080 x 1080 pixels, jpg format, RBG color, and 72 ppi.
  • Booklet ads need to be pdf format, grayscale, and 300 dpi.

Between March 10-24, 2025, please mail 300 of your bag insert items to:

Leann Rocke

14347 N. Windermere Rd.

Tremont, Il 61568

* If you do not see an option that fits your organization's needs please contact us.  We also have limited sponsorships for our single parent fund. Contact our sponsor coordinator at paach.sponsors@gmail.com

Peoria Area Association of Christian Homeschoolers

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Connect with Us

For questions regarding newsletter submissions, the Homeschool Convention or home education in general, please send an email to info@apachecentralillinois.org. A Board member will respond as soon as possible.


Mailing Address: PAACH | P.O. Box 5203 | Peoria, IL 61601

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